
moving pictures, silent films

sitting here, legs propped up on the bed, computer in my lap-& finally, good lord Finally, the savage beast has been soothed. that uncaring, cruel & unusual bastard Pain. pain makes those that suffer from it into trembling, wretched invalids. it makes those that have to watch into trembling, helpless voids. why must there be pain? why can't we just heal & keep going or sigh our last & let it be done? why pain? does it provide some useful & poignant higher purpose?

i am suggesting we set up a UN committee immediately-proposing all pain be eradicated. those in favor, say "aye."

a quiet night, after what will go done as not being my favorite day. i am the trembling, helpless void-forced to sit idly by & watch my friend writhe in ridiculous, inhumane, ASSHOLE pain. & i hate it. i hate how i can't fix it. i hate that she is forced to go through it. i hate it. full stop.

i hope this will be the last post like this. for your sake. for her sake. for my sake.