
patience, young skywalker

SORRY FOR THE EONS OF TIME i spend not posting here...it really sucks not being able to talk about nothing, with you, my favorite audience.

that being said, cranking away at the new molly mutt blog, which will surely be fantastical & magnifilous all in one.

back to the other secret, locked up blog that is just itch-itch-itching to get out (clawing like a trapped panther in a usps box.)

later gators,


how i learned to stop worrying & love the bomb

big news on the molly mutt front:

*opened my business checking account
*wrote my first check
*days away from placing my first order! YEAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. and then it will be time for all of you, my nearest & dearest, to sell stuff to everyone you ever knew, in your whole life! more about that very soon...how i am going to use each & every one of you...(as always, insert a really scary, vincent-price-esque laugh here!)

i am happy today, oh so happy today!


all hat & no cattle

allegedly, this is a phrase we use in texas to describe an individual that is all talk and no action...

i lived in texas for 22 years. in houston. i never heard this saying even once. but the fact that this phraseology even exists makes my day.

back to work, as i don't want to be all hat & no cattle. (well played, mols)