
fake plastic trees

my fake plastic love.
i cant help the feeling
i could blow through the ceiling

if i just turn and run

and it wears me out, it wears me out...

i couldn't possibly exhaust this song. ever.

isn't it funny how you can neglect some of your favorite songs because you have liked them forever, you take them for granted? & then one mid-60's day in the city you fall into them on accident or on a whim...music on shuffle, and it's like meeting an old friend? i love that. these moments seem to tie the old you that first listened to the music to the you now-the one that has heard the song in a hundred different situations-some memorable, others completely forgettable. it's like a moving picture, this listening to a song now that impacted you then.

random snippets gleamed from the-ever-with-me-notebook. i have no idea why i wrote these things, but they seem especially poignant tonight, as i am wallowing in that kind of mood...you know the one...a little chilly, slight breeze, headlights seen in the reflection of your window, remarkably relevant radiohead is your ambient noise (big piano chords & thom yorke's pained voice are the only songs allowed on this mood's soundtrack.)

i write phrases down in my minibook when something i hear strikes me-a song lyric, a stranger on a bus, something i said...so who knows & who wants to guess...i have absolutely no recollection of what should be attributed to whom. let your imagination get the better of you. get lost inside your own head. (step one-put the following songs in a playlist-no surprises, the tourist, karma police, fake plastic trees, romeo & juliet and put the list on repeat. until the sinking feeling goes away. it will. just takes time.)

*i fall so hard inside the idea of you.
*you're not a panda.
*i'll handle monty.
*yes ma'am, how many frequent flyer miles would it take to send someone on a nonstop flight to hell?
*prefers unhappy endings
*put fortunes in people's pockets
*a verbis ad verbera (from words to blows)
*free yourself of the expectation (that sounds str8 out of a tony robbins seminar...wow)
*it's got voodoo in it
*"i wanna be the girl" "you are the girl, that's why we're having this very confusing conversation."
*where i've been & where i am is the show
*resevoir passion