
scalper (& no, i don't mean of tickets). insert scary laugh here.

day 2, The Project

i was really torn as to what to post as today's glimpse into my "life".

("life" in quotations-not an accident. another very obviously emo shout out implying an ocean of boredom. wait, wait. "...a sea of ennui." BETTER, now i am sound avuncular & kind of bourgeois. top drawer.)

this was the weirder picture. there you go.

cacophony-great word. am going to find probably not-so-subtle ways to use this gem more often. when said aloud, the sound Is the meaning. (i am very philosophical tonight, apparently. let's chalk it up to how my hands are yet again frozen, sitting at my desk, surrounded by 3 very-poorly-if-at-all insulated windows. that sentence alone took 476 minutes to type.)
ok, ladies & worms. going back to my book & cropping pictures for work. nothing spells excitement like a night with the moll. gun moll.