
write what you know...

"write what you know, keep the story funny
have a happy ending, make the female sexy..."

so here i am. identity stripped away (note to the gentle reader, one should never base one's sole value on one's work, especially when said work is for the MAN & not for oneself...as it will ultimately lead to a disappointing end, no matter what that end may be)

i am trying to figure it all out-life, liberty & the pursuit of alleged happiness.

i know this is the best thing, but it still feels like someone ripped one of my arms out right at the socket-without any anesthetic-not even a bandaid or some gauze thrown my way to stop the bleeding.

Morose & Depressing, yes.

but as cliche as it is-whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger (& no mother, this isn't going to kill me). so my muscles feel stretched out to their limit, it's hard to even lift my arms to type this...but i am getting stronger...i feel deep down this is my superhero transformation period...that this is the part in the movie where the soon-to-be-batman or superman or astroboy get taken to the cave or top of the mountain or scary warehouse to learn how to use their powers for good...

so though i am in the dark, having my body poked & prodded, i will emerge a better person for it all-if not a little wiser for the wear (DAMMIT i am full of cliches tonight...yowza).

on to a brave new world, ladies & gentlemen of the jury...on to world domination & card making craftiness.

see you on the flip side.