
vagrantly vinyl

loud people outside the apt right now, 1:33am...

ana got the placebo, so she is not going to be growing gills during THIS stint @ the nutter clinic.

whew (insert sigh-of-relief here).

so there's that.

& otherwise, not a lot to report from the homefront-other than my new fav band (today, probably will change tomorrow) is a toss up between "nightmare of you" & "say hi to your mom"...despite the desperately lame names, fun songs all around...

you know you are destined for greatness with song names like sweet sweet heartkiller, a kiss to make it better, yeah i'm in love with an android, they write books about this sort of thing & hooplas involving circus tricks (all from say hi to your mom).

it doesn't get much better than that, really.

no great insights other than MAKE SURE TO DOUBLE CHECK the % on your milk-it may seem like it's the right kind (personal preference being "x") because the colour is correct on the lid...but oh, caveat emptor (that's "buyer beware" for you who aren't fluent in latin like me,...yowza)...just because the cap seems dead on, you could have just bought whole milk & be drinking lumpy milkshakes every time you eat cereal (me-all week, ps).

(& no, mother dearest, i am not sad & i promise to ring you first thing in the morning-so for me that means noon!)