
tonight, tonight

sitting in my kitchen (surpress the urge to faint, thanks, those of you that know i subsist entirely on trader joe's frosted mini wheats, avocado toast & havarti cheese with carr's crackers...i appreciate your faith in me)...listening to miles davis' "love songs" (the emo-ness is showing on the outside now-just...terrible)...simultaneously trying to write a post (which i haven't in 2+ weeks, wtf) & look up random crap that keeps making cameos in my head-for instance i started trying to type & wrote the letter "t" about 3 times-finger resting on the key for too long-and this reminded me of the 1980's icon max headroom so i had to look him up for 12 hours (thank you modern technology totally ruining any chance i had at being not-ADD)...using fabulous wireless technology to broadcast to you, my loyal & unbelievably eclectic fans.

thank you, computers & red wine. i salute you.

nothing especially brilliant to pass along. just had to write something (aka "nothing"). in the case of this web log-i just needed to write so i know i am still alive.

stay tuned.