

another birthday-who knew it would get here so soon? in some ways the longest year of my life, in other ways, astonishingly short.
ohhhh, but i am SO much wiser. the amount of knowledge acquired between the immature & oafish 28 & the glorious year-of-the-molly, magnificent 29...well...ginormous barely begins to cover it.

here's what i learned, in a very edited list (ps, i'm making this up as i go along...but am feeling quite loqacious tonight, so this is my mental note to try & keep it brief):

*sometimes you really DO have to take the leap & build your wings on the way down. (very rarely, before embarking on something you want to do in business, in your personal life-basically anything involving any kind of risk-if you Wait until all the Pieces Are In Place, you will NEVER MOVE. you will find yourself living in a place you don't want to be, incarcerated by fear. fear is the enemy. & sometimes you really can't see the forest for the trees, so you stand still. stop. burn the forest down & wield your machete with the courage of a thousand men.)

*there is nothing scarier than starting anew. nothing. (change you can control is easy to navigate through...it's the changes that are forced on you-by life that are overwhelming & suffocating.)

*just when you think you couldn't possibly take anymore stress, transition, anxiety or pain, more is dumped on you. you Will survive. (some sayings do prove true...it really does get darkest before dawn. on the worst day of your life realize that yes, it could indeed get worse. but you will find you had strength you didn't think possible...it will arrive just when you need it.)

*just because someone seems like a friend, it doesn't mean they are. (i learned last year that though i have throughout my life played the victim in shitty friendships-"she was a bad person...la la la"-by my silence, i make it ok for people to use me. i am an active participant in the people i choose to spend my time with & energy on. i learned that you must constantly evaluate the friends in your life. if you are more often than not feeling unappreciated & under-loved, something has to change. if it looks like a duck & quacks like a duck...well...exactly. i will be a million times better off ending a poisonous relationship the minute i realized it is lethal, then wait for a slow death. nip that shit in-the-bud.)

*good people are out there. they are rare, but they do exist. grab those people & don't let go.

*just because a book is well-loved the world over, an international best seller, a pulitzer or man booker prize winner, heralded as a classic & a must-read...DOES NOT MAKE IT A GOOD BOOK. (give such books the ole college try-and if just ISN'T GOOD, put it down. i've wasted more time trying to figure out why a crap book is "valuable to mankind" then i care to calculate.)

*sometimes the best sound is silence. (and if i can say that-molly that downloads 100+ songs a week,-you know that was a profound lesson from the last 12 months.)

*good will prevail. not always as swiftly as you want, or with as much fanfare as it deserves, but everyone eventually gets what's coming to them. you reap what you so, and karma's a bitch (insert scary laugh here.)

*new hobbies &/or interests are the most therapeutic way to get through the dark days. (trust me...if you have specific questions, you know where to reach me. i could go on about this for much longer than is interesting. trust me on this one, though. it's a fact.)

i'm sure i am missing a prodigious amount of molly-isms & year-in-review truths, don't fret, loyal fans, i am certain to ponder all of this at a future date. happy birthday to me (& thank you mother dearest-for ...well, you know...!)