
gun moll

a gun moll.

wikipedia definition:
"A gun moll was the female companion of an American gangster of the 1920s and 30s. Moll, from Molly a diminutive of Mary, was a euphemism for whore or prostitute. These women for the most part were unremarkable except for their association with some of the most notorious killers of the times and organized crime mobsters. . The word "gun moll" can also mean a female companion of a robber or terrorist, and not only just a gangster."

wow. information is fun.

the stream of consciousness that got me to this random sliver of information?

trying to name a new design family...and wanted maybe a french theme...that wasn't working, so i thought of alliterations i like...came across femme fatale, starting looking for lists of them...read a page or 2 on the mata hari (fascinating) & then trolled around for ages looking at manga lists & film noir lists...and on one of these random pages i ran across "gun moll". hint-when your name is molly, and has been for respectively 28+ years, you instantly pick up anything that looks like your name & click on it. it is an instinct-not to be repressed.
and i found out my name is shortened to mean hooker.

i heart the internet.